News and Shows

Gumby happened to be my first snapshot after we came back to NYC after being away for a few weeks. It was right before Halloween, we were glad to be home, and it made me happy to see something out of place.
Today I read the back story -- I was Gumby, Damn It @ RecentlyReleasedFromPrison.
It's Chinatown!

I am pleased to be showing work at the Windows Gallery, a new gallery on the most active art block in Lower East Side and Chinatown!
I will be showing three large images from the city landscapes series. Also showing are NY Art Page Collective members Kristen Gambell and John Kuchera of the American Arts Gallery.
Please join us on Monday, November 8th 7-10pm for the wine reception at 37 Orchard St (F to East Broadway, B/D to Grand, or 4/6 to Canal)!
Update: Jamie Martinez posted about the show on his excellent ArteFuse blog. Thanks Jamie!
Rooftop Living, 2010, 24"x36" Digital C-Print

Thanks to everyone who came out to the opening, it was a fun one!
Dino, Windows Gallery
Artists Hans Wolf, Charlotte Walters, Jack Davletshin, Chia-chien Yu, and John Kuchera
Our wonderful friends!
Artists Ken Bastard, John Kuchera, and Ben Louria
Windows Gallery
Burma in LIC!

"Burma" 20x30 is coming to Long Island City! The show is being hosted by the art space in the Standard Motor Products Building at 37-18 Northern Blvd, Long Island City (10 minutes from Manhattan -- V/R/G to 36th St). Show is sponsored by Acumen Capital Partners.
It's up now and will be going through first part of January.
In brief:
"Burma" is a series of photographs taken in and around the Bagan region in Myanmar's Mandalay province. The series touches on the people and the environment of this beautiful, optimistic, devout, traditional, and welcoming, but politically-troubled and often-overlooked country. This show is in conjunction with a limited edition "Letters from Burma" portfolio.
Young monks, 2009, 20"x30" Digital C-Print
'Burma' Portfolio, 2010, 9"x12"
Convergence NYC at Lexington Armory

I am very excited to be showing in the Convergence NYC show at the Lexington St Armory, the location of the legendary 1913 Armory Show. Many of the top emerging NY artists will be showing there and I am honored to be among them.
Dates: August 27-29, doors open 9am
Location: Lexington St Armory, at 68 Lexington Avenue (@ 25th Street).