
News and Shows


Film Maker

Taken in the basement of Niagara in East Village. Wael is terrific, sorry that I didn't get a chance to post it before.

Waël Noureddine


Myanmar in Park Slope Show

Bagan, 20"x30", Digital C-Print

Something different this time! I am doing a show of large (20x30) images from Myanmar (formerly Burma).

The terrific Picada Y Vino in Park Slope is hosting. The show opens on July 25th and will be up through the summer, until September 10th. There will be some great wines to try at the reception. See you there!

Opening Reception: July 25th, 3-5pm

Dates: July 10th - September 10th

Location: 327 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY



Summer Portrait

One portrait from July 4th weekend. Strong face and good luck with the lighting.



Weekend Show in Chelsea!

I am showing work in a  group show at Lyons Wier Gallery this weekend (May 21-23). Show runs Friday-Sunday. The opening is this Friday 6-9pm. 

Stop by, it will be a great time!

Where: Lyons Wier Gallery, 175 7th Ave ( + 20th St) in Chelsea
When: Friday-Sunday (5/21-5/23)


Benny and the Jets

A few months ago I was doing some video and shot Michael-David Gordon singing in Washington Square Park. What a fantastic night that was, they were really on and drew a crowd. A couple days ago, I ran into him getting ready to do a set and showed him the video. He remembered that night also and asked me to put it up.

HD version is here.

Benny and the Jets, featuring Michael-David Gordon


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